Sales Order Form Templates

Compare the experience of completing a sales order form in Excel vs. a mobile-friendly, online, customizable form.

With an online form, you can digitize your sales order processes, including integrations with SQL databases and automated approval workflows and routin.

Order Approval Process

This sales order process includes an order form with a table for line items, automatic calculations for subtotals and the grand total, validation of form fields etc. It's filled in by a salesperson and then routes electronically to a manager for approval and is finally sent to the client for authorization. All signatures are electronic.
What if you are doing this using Word or Excel? You'll have to print, sign and scan and route the document around manually using email. It's incredibly inefficient and error prone since no one knows where the document is, it can get sent to the wrong person and employees have to waste time chasing it down. An online process significantly improves productivity.
Sales Order Form integrated with SQL
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† To ensure SQL database security.

Order Form integrated with SQL

Order forms have line items. In many cases, each line item has a product code, MSRP etc. This form pulls product information from a SQL database and dynamically sets up a pick list so the user can pick a specific product.
When the user picks a product, the MSRP is retrieved from SQL for the selected product. The form also performs calculations such as calculating individual line subtotals and an overall grand total, and also allows users to sign and attach any supporting documents electronically.
Compare it to trying to do the same thing in Excel. You can use Visual Basic to code the MSRP within Excel but when products or prices change, all such order forms must be manually updated. You'll also need to normally print the Excel for signatures.
Sales Order Process with Conditional Routing
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Conditional Order Approval Process

This sales order process includes an order form with a table for line items, automatic calculations for subtotals and the grand total, validation of form fields etc. It's filled in by a salesperson and then routes electronically to a manager for approval. If the discount is 20% or higher, it routes to the VP otherwise the VP step is skipped. The order is finally sent to the client for authorization.
Once again, it's harder and more error prone if you use Excel or Word since employees must manually understand the instructions and perform the correct routing via email. Skip a needed approval due to confusion and you end up with delays or subverted business requirements. The digital process takes these errors and confusion out of the equation.
Sales Order Form integrated with SQL
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† To ensure SQL database security.

View Existing Customer Orders (SQL)

Sometimes, you need to go back and look at existing orders for a particular customer. This form first sets up a pick list of customers by retrieving the list from SQL. When you pick a customer, it retrieves orders for that customer. When you pick an order, the line items for that order are dynamically pulled from SQL and populated in the form. The best part is – using our powerful database connector, you don't need programming.
Word, Excel or paper forms simply cannot integrate with business data and are inherently less useful as a result. You'll literally have to go into the filing cabinet or document management system and find the existing order. Automation and integration dramatically improves the user experience and saves an enormous amount of time.
Sales Order Form
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Simple Order Form

Sales orders almost always include a table with lines for individual items or services being ordered. Naturally, a subtotal for each line item and a grand total must be calculated and placed on the order. This form performs those calculations automatically. Best of all, no code is required and anyone can do this using our powerful Visual Rule Builder (6 min video).
Even the simplest online order form has significant advantages over Excel or Word thanks to validation, attachments, and electronic signatures which remove the need to print, reduce paper usage, save your business money and make it more environmentally friendly.

Simple Work Order Process

This is a simple work order approval process. It includes an order form that's filled in by a salesperson. It dynamically copies billing to shipping address, calculates totals, enforces required fields and validates all the data. The form is then routed to a supervisor for approval before being sent to the client for e-signature. Paper use is completely eliminated.
It's easy to see how even a super-simple automated process is vastly superior to Word, Excel or paper forms. Just the ability to route to the proper person without manual intervention drastically reduces wasted time and speeds up the process.

Sales & Work Orders are a critical function for every business

A sales order form (also called a work order form, especially when providing services) is one of the most basic forms used in a business. Whichever industry you're in, you need to allow your customers to order your products and services. An order form formalizes the sales order so both the customer and the business understand exactly what's being ordered, when & where it will be delivered, and the price being paid. An order form almost always includes one or more signatures.

What's on a work order form?

Order forms contain important information including:

  • Your logo and corporate name.
  • Shipping and Billing address.
  • A line for each individual item including item codes, descriptions, unit prices etc.
  • Subtotals, grand total, taxes, fees and discounts.
  • Date of the request, along with any approval/rejection.
  • Signatures of all participants – salesperson, manager and client.

Online Sales Orders vs Excel, Word or paper

Digitizing everyday processes is a key aspect of digitally transforming your operations. Without process automation, you cannot hope to compete in today's turbo-charged business environment. Consider these advantages:

  • We all get too much email. Excel or paper forms must be manually routed for approval e.g. by e-mailing them. These emails often get sent to the wrong person, or get lost in the shuffle. The last thing you want is employees wasting time tracking and chasing down internal approvals.
  • Online forms are also much better at validating data compared to Excel or Word. Correcting errors is unbelievably costly. In fact, studies show that bad data costs the US $3 trillion per year.
  • Most business forms are dynamic. When they're online, the system can automatically show/hide sections, pre-fill fields and perform other dynamic behavior that's simply not available in Excel or Word, and certainly not with paper forms. Dynamic forms improve clarity and are easier to fill out.
  • Electronic forms can also access business data in SQL databases and other financial systems. Inevitably, this makes them more useful e.g. the latest MSRP can be used.
  • When order forms are in Excel or Word, it's easy for employees to use an outdated version. That means more backtracking, correcting and wasted time.
There's a powerful business case for urgently replacing manual forms and processes with online versions: the ROI is enormous.

Why use electronic sales order forms?

Online order forms have significant advantages:

  • They ensure proper communication between the customer and your business. There are no surprises leading to happy customers.
  • Data is automatically validated. Errors and omissions are eliminated reducing wasted time and resulting in faster order processing.
  • With electronic signatures, there's no need to print and paper is completely eliminated.
  • They work automatically on smart phones so your busy customers can place their order from anywhere and at any time.
  • They can connect to SQL databases and other internal systems reducing data entry and the inevitable errors.
  • Automatic calculations also reduce work and mistakes. There's no chance of a miscalculation resulting in a dissatisfied customer down the road.

Why automate sales & work order forms with frevvo?

frevvo's simple, visual software makes it super easy for anyone to drag-and-drop and design order forms that meet real business requirements. It provides a rich array of form fields including signatures, attachments, tables etc. Using the Visual Rule Builder (6 min video), anyone can create dynamic forms without coding knowledge. You don't need to invest in hard-to-find programmers. Sign up for a free 30-day trial and get started today.

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